Work-Life Balance and Networking

Finding a balance between work and life can be a difficult challenge, especially if you’re a Working Woman. Juggling the demands of a job, personal life and family can be stressful and overwhelming, and it can be hard to know where to begin. Working Women often find themselves stretched thin, feeling like they are constantly playing catch up, and unable to prioritize their own needs. This can lead to burnout, fatigue, and a feeling of being overwhelmed and overworked. Working Women and Moms need to find a way to make time for themselves, their families, and their work in order to have a successful work-life balance.

Join us to learn how to create more balance your life while being the professional and woman you know you’re meant to be!

Workshop followed by conversation and networking

Presented by

Certified Career Coach and NAPS Mom Support Groups Leader Jamie Terran

Jamie has helped hundreds of professionals identify their goals and reach their professional potential.  She is passionate about helping motivated female professionals and working Moms find success and fulfillment at work, without sacrificing their happiness at home. Jamie holds a Bachelor of Science from Brown University.

$30 to attend

To Register Call: 347-739-2832